Home Owner Tools
Below we’ve put a set of usefull links and information for current homeowners and homeowners to be. This page will be updated often so check back. We’ll also send out notifications of updates by email and social media.
These materials are not from HUD, FHA, the USDA, or the VA. These materials were not approved by any government agency. They are independent of any government agency. We are not in any way affiliated with any organization listed or referenced within this website, including HUD/FHA/USDA/VA. The inclusion of various education, information, web links, or materials are not an endorsement of the Sender or any of its employees or business partners.
For information directly from HUD/FHA,
Visit http://www.hudclips.com
For information directly from the VA,
Visit http://www.benefits.va.gov/HOMELOANS
For information directly from the USDA, Visit: http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usda/usdahome

Broker: Pablo Samsing
NMLS: 328337
LO: LO23103